the wedding dress fitting
The choice of the bridal gown is usually one of the most special things we like the most in the preparations before the wedding.
Many brides tell me that after trying on several dresses in different shops, the moment they saw their dress, they knew that it would be the right one. the ultimate dress; what you might call a real crush.
Once you have chosen your ideal dress, the process doesn't end there; a few months earlier The first fitting is carried out before the wedding, in which the essential aspects of length, neckline, sleeves and everything necessary for the dress to fit your body are adjusted. It is very important that in this first fitting you already have your bridal shoes as you will have to wear them all the time so that the length of the dress is the right one for the shoes.
One month before the weddingYou will come back to try it on and see all the adjustments that were indicated the previous time. Here it is important that you move normally, sit down, move your arms, walk... you must feel your dress and it is very important that you are comfortable and if there is still something you don't like about the dress it is important that you let us know so that the change can be made before the final fitting.
About two weeks before the weddingNow, yes, you will go to the last fitting. This will be the last day you wear your dress before the wedding, so if you have lost weight, something quite common a few weeks before, or if there are any small adjustments, this will be the time to say so as the next time you go to the shop it will be to pick up your dress and take it home.
A few months ago I had the good fortune to accompany Inma, one of my girlfriends, to the second fitting of her dress at Rosa Clará and I was able to live that special moment with her. Here are some of the photos I took that afternoon.