Wedding at the Carmen de los Mártires and Hotel Alhambra Palace

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[et_pb_column type=»4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=»Text»]My first wedding in December was that of this couple who came directly from San Francisco to celebrate their love at the feet of the Alhambra.

Michelle and Alberto met in Granada some time ago when she came to learn Spanish. Years later, Alberto traveled to the United States, and coincidentally, they met again there. These coincidences are sometimes not so coincidental, so they never separated again.

It was a civil ceremony in the salon of the mansion of the Carmen de los Mártires, followed by a celebration at the Hotel Alhambra Palace, an emblematic place in the city where guests from various parts of the world were delighted with the views of the city from its windows.


Picture of Isa Molina
Isa Molina

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